Knowledge tools
Gender at Work’s knowledge resources contribute to building the field of gender equality and institutional change by engaging with analysis and action premised on feminist and intersectional principles.
- Video
At Gender at Work, everyone has a story to tell. Not all of these stories are written; we are trying our hand at engagement through video as well as text. Our videos share insights into our associates and team, as well as into various meetings and workshops. For example, Solange Rocha’s video, Unleashing our Power documents a conversation between partners in India, Mozambique and South Africa as they share their transformative journeys towards gender equality. Short, punchy videos share friends perspectives on Gender at Work, and make suggestions for future directions. Please check back regularly as we continue to grow our video library.
- Books
Gender at Work Associates, partners and staff have produced and contributed to ten books since our inception. The last published book, Gender at Work: Theory and Practice for 21st Century Organizations (2016) is a follow up to our first book, Gender at Work: Organizational Change for Equality (1999). In publications such as Our Hearts Are Joined: Stories from Letsema (2013), gender action-learning participants share their personal and organizational stories of change. Across all of our publications, authors share their struggles, challenges and successes as they experiment with individual, organizational and community change and transformation toward gender equality.
- Articles
Spanning a 15 year timeframe, Gender at Work Associate articles share powerful analysis on gender and institutional change. These articles explore concepts such as women in work and leadership, gender mainstreaming, institutional patriarchy and feminist activism, bringing together powerful thinking and reflection on deep structures, discriminatory norms and the perpetuation of gendered inequality. Our articles also explore the experience of Gender at Work’s gender action-learning process across various communities and institutions. Have you written about gender and institutional change? Used the G@W framework for analysis in a paper? Please send your article our way. We would like to share your contributions to growing this field as well. With respect to the articles listed here, please feel free to read, download and share widely, but make sure to give credit to the author(s).
- Blog
Gender at Work’s blog, Talking Gender, encourages partners, thought leaders, new activists, associates and like-minded activists to share relevant stories, experiences or analysis that relate to gender and institutional change. Friends and partners have shared calls to action, interviews and reflection pieces. Read Nisreen Alami’s reflection on gender in humanitarian affairs in the Palestinian Territories or Ayanda Masina’s personal reflection on using the GAL process to address violence and inequality in South Africa. Stay tuned for our upcoming blogs and reflections!
- Podcast
The Gender at Work’s bi-monthly podcast series features diverse voices from the Gender at Work’s international network of feminist scholars, activists, and community-led development practitioners. In our informal conversations, we discuss books, articles, films, and other media that help us to find new ways of understanding our work, our institutions, our society and ambitiously, ourselves! By coming together in this new space, we seek to re-examine the resilience of patriarchy and assess the willingness and resistance of organizations and communities to create cultures of equality. Our podcast amplifies voices crucial in this transformative process of cultivating promising alternatives for a feminist future.