Gender at Work framework

The Gender at Work Framework highlights the interrelationship between gender equality, organizational change and institutions or ‘rules of the game’ held in place by power dynamics within communities.

The top two quadrants are related to the individual. On the right are changes in noticeable individual conditions, e.g., increased resources, voice, freedom from violence, access to health and education. On the left, individual consciousness and capability – knowledge, skills, political consciousness, and commitment to change toward equality. The bottom two clusters are related to the systemic. The cluster on the right refers to formal rules as laid down in constitutions, laws, and policies. The cluster on the left is the set of informal discriminatory norms and deep structures, including those that maintain inequality in everyday practices.

The Framework can be used by change agents in both organizations and communities to uncover opportunities and barriers to gender equality, to map a strategy for change and to guide evaluative efforts to mark progress. It makes visible dimensions of gender equality and the extent to which there is a shift in gendered power relations – in line with national priorities and principles agreed in CEDAW, the Beijing PFA and other guiding documents. It has been cited in academic work and used by a wide range of organizations, from large NGOs like Oxfam International, to women’s organizations and funds, such as the Global Fund for Women, and by women and community groups all over the world.