Our Associates

Carol Miller
Carol is a long-time feminist activist, researcher and evaluator. After completing her D.Phil. (Oxford) on WROs’ international activism at the League of Nations, she began her career as a gender and development researcher at the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) in Geneva, later going on to do research and program evaluation with many INGOs, UN organizations and research institutes. As Program Learning Specialist and, later, Manager of the MEL Unit at Oxfam Canada, she became interested in how to apply feminist principles to monitoring, evaluation and learning. She joined Gender at Work as Knowledge Strategist in 2014 and served alongside Sudarsana Kundu as Co-Executive Director from 2019-2021. Other work in recent years has included stints with Global Affairs Canada’s Women’s Voice and Leadership Program as feminist knowledge consultant, and with the new Canadian federal Department of Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) to help establish their Evaluation Unit. She has published widely on gender equality and women’s rights, including several joint publications on gender and organizations with Gender at Work colleagues.