The lost voices in the forest – The case of poor indigenous women in Guatemala

Sometimes, in the deep wild forests of Guatemala, weird inaudible noises appear. Noises that can’t be identified as wild birds or falling trees. These recurrent noises are different, they are not natural. Someone could say they resemble voices, but have become so normalized, that people don’t pay attention to them anymore

Why International Development Needs Storytelling

I’ve always been interested in storytelling. A story is a time-tested way to pass experiences down from one person to another. A story is how wisdom is shared with the next generation, whether a historical text or a bedtime story, and it’s how we as development practitioners inspire action and change. Storytelling got me interested in communications and it’s the reason I believe that we need to build storytelling into all our project plans.

why care is a political act

There are many ways to understand what care means. Here, we define it as looking after the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing, safety and dignity of ourselves and others. Too often, the focus is on a narrow form of self-care, forgetting the essential, and deeply political collective care approach, which includes our families, friends, colleagues and community.

the shell game of self-reflection

Just after my freshman year of college, I was sexually assaulted on the Washington, D.C., metro en route to a summer internship. I remember most of the details: I was wearing a knee-length khaki skirt, and a man standing behind me reached under my skirt and pushed his fingers into my vagina as I was exiting the train.

how to look like you’re trying to end sexual harassment

As the leader of a large complex organization — like the Catholic Church, Fox News, the State of New York, or the United Nations — the pressure on you to take action to end sexual harassment is enormous. Especially with Ronan Farrow and the New Yorker nipping at your heels and talking to so many disgruntled, fed-up women who have been (temporarily) empowered by #MeToo.

these 7 organizations are pushing boundaries in india

In the wake of Dysco’s collaboration with MIXX for Mind the Gap, people are expressing interest to explore the genderisation of jobs and its adverse effects on us all. Increasing domestic and international pressure to improve the condition of women’s empowerment and gender issues, has enhanced the ability of NGOs to widen their scope of work. Dysco has curated a list of organisations in India that are taking strong strides towards ‘closing the gap’ – Akshara, GenderAtWork, Commit2Change, CORO, Sayfty, CARE, and Ayzh.

why a gender content audit?

The United States is experiencing a critical cultural reckoning, one in which survivors of sexual abuse aren’t only being recognized; they’re also, for the most part, being believed. But the surge in firings of high-profile men in media doesn’t necessarily signal that the industry is becoming a more equitable place for all women, especially those who aren’t white, wealthy, or privileged with a spotlight. When it comes to addressing sexual assault and harassment within media, the #MeToo campaign has blown the cover off the pool and exposed something that will require more effort to resolve: a fetid foundation that’s historically devalued women and their work.

how movements like #metoo can address marginalization among activists

With the Women’s March, and #MeToo drawing gender-based activism to the fore in the US and across the globe, how can we foster the desired personal and societal transformations that usher in the more equitable world we proclaim? The truth is even movements that are committed to gender equity can stifle the participation of women and non-binary people on the basis of race, class, and sexuality, among other intersections of marginalization.

making more of #metoo

The United States is experiencing a critical cultural reckoning, one in which survivors of sexual abuse aren’t only being recognized; they’re also, for the most part, being believed. But the surge in firings of high-profile men in media doesn’t necessarily signal that the industry is becoming a more equitable place for all women, especially those who aren’t white, wealthy, or privileged with a spotlight. When it comes to addressing sexual assault and harassment within media, the #MeToo campaign has blown the cover off the pool and exposed something that will require more effort to resolve: a fetid foundation that’s historically devalued women and their work.