Episode 28: Are Feminist Foreign Policies Actually Feminist?


Episode 28: Are Feminist Foreign Policies Actually Feminist?

In this episode of the G@W podcast, we delve into Feminist Foreign Policies and look at some of the opportunities, challenges and contradictions inherent in them. We also explore some of the collective aspirations of feminists for Feminist Foreign Policies. These would be important questions to ask at any time but now they are especially important as some of the very governments that have announced Feminist Foreign Policies support Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza or are themselves major arms manufacturers. Now is a good time to probe and understand how ‘feminist’ the growing slew of Feminist Foreign Policies actually are.

We hear from five different and thought-provoking ideas about feminist foreign policies in this episode. This includes perspectives from Nadine Gasman, President of the National Institute of Women of Mexico, Margot Wallstrom, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Hibaaq Osman, founder and leader of Karama, Anne Marie Goetz, Clinical Professor of Global Affairs at New York University, and Foteini Papagiotti, Senior Policy Advisor at ICRW.

Join us and tell us what you think!

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