Trialogue – Power!

Why is progress so slow toward change for gender equity? Why is this work so hard? In part, it is how we think about the problem. Many writers have pointed […]

Unravelling institutionalized gender inequality

Each major institutional arena is gendered in its male bias-its failure to value or recognize reproductive work, defining it as “unproductive” or basing effective participation on a capacity to attain […]

Is there life after gender mainstreaming

In the world of feminist activism, the time is ripe for reflection and review. We need to ask why change is not happening, what works, and what is next. This […]

Gender equality architecture and un reforms

This paper briefly outlines the successes and failures of the current UN system in addressing gender equality and women’s rights, and puts forth several principles and characteristics that are critical […]

Indian change catalysts: action learning program

After thirty years of effort, the promise of women’s rights remains unfulfilled. This is despite United Nations conferences and agreements, scholarly writing and immense efforts on the part of women […]

A holistic approach to gender equality

Gender equality and women’s rights has been cited in conferences such as the Beijing +5 as a critical element to development efforts and peace building. Despite considerable energy invested to further social justice and […]