Writing from the inside: stories of hope and change

Writing is a powerful tool for reflection and analysis. Through writing the writer develops strong arguments and clear thinking. Yet urgent priorities of organizing leave little time for activists to […]

Review of women’s studies

In her keynote address to the Institute of Women’s Studies 2012 conference, Professor Saba Mahmoud (University of California, Berkeley), took the audience on a far-ranging intellectual journey with the aim […]

Organizational change for equality

This book is intended as a reflective moment in an ambitious, collaborative process intended to develop and share knowledge about gender and organizational change. As the use of these terms […]

Change is a slow dance

“Change is like a slow dance” is a monograph that consolidates the three stories and lessons learned during Gender at Work’s Action Learning Programme (ALP) facilitated in South Africa during […]

The Story of Letsema

This book comes out of a participatory research process with Letsema and tells part of the story of how they have contributed and continue to contribute to reducing GBV in […]