Référentiel sur les pratiques de facilitation pour avancer l’égalité des genres : expériences d’Afrique Francophone

Ce document offre un grand éventail de pratiques, réflexions, apprentissages, expériences et outils d’animation acquis par les associées de Gender at Work pour faire avancer la justice de genre dans […]
Supporting Gender Equality Outcomes in Development Research: Reflections on a Multi-year Collaboration between Gender at Work, IDRC and its Partners

The degree to which gender is studied or ignored in research can powerfully affect both research results and the communities those outcomes were intended to benefit. Yet, science and technology […]
Gender at Work Associates Kalyani Menon-Sen and Ray Gordezky on their approach

Creating lasting solutions to systemic problems such as inequality, exclusion and discrimination is an inherently messy process that requires both empathy and imagination. It also takes a commitment of time and patience to […]
Whose voice counts? Storytelling in a research process

Gender at Work partnered with The Story Kitchen to undertake research as part of Hamro Sahakarya (Our Collective Action), an initiative by UN Women Nepal and the Government of Finland […]
Our stories, our voices: Storytelling to understand social norm change

Gender at Work partnered with The Story Kitchen to undertake research as part of Hamro Sahakarya (Our Collective Action), an initiative by UN Women Nepal and the Government of Finland […]
Learning About Gender Equality

Monitoring and evaluation systems make it possible for organizations to determine whether their programs are having the desired impact and achieving the changes they set out to create. These systems help us determine […]
Gender at work: theory and practice for 21st century organizations

At a time when some corporate women leaders are advocating for their aspiring sisters to ‘lean in’ for a bigger piece of the existing pie, this book puts the spotlight […]
Feminist organisational capacity strengthening toolkit

A few years ago, Gender at Work was invited to accompany the International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) on a journey of creation and experimentation in developing the suite of resources […]

“Strategies to End School-Related Gender-Based Violence: The Experience of Education Unions in Africa” gives an overview of many of the strategies different unions in the program undertook to address SRGBV […]