Backlash against women’s rights and gender equality in development is ubiquitous and thriving. A startling example is the case of Kathryn Bolkovac, the now famous ‘Whistleblower’, who was fired by the United Nations (UN) when she reported that the officers hired by DynCorp / which had a US$15 million UN contract to hire and train police officers in Bosnia / were paying for prostitutes and participating in sex-trafficking. The 2010 thriller film, The Whistleblower, directed by Larysa Kondracki, chronicles Kathryn’s experience. The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, was obliged in October 2011 to stage a special screening of the film, and to pledge action, but senior officials tried to belittle the film while Kathryn herself warned that ‘the widespread horror is already there. This is not going to be simple or a quick fix’… Read Full Article