Power Up! (PU!) is a consortium of three womxn’s rights organisations: Just
Associates (JASS), an international feminist movement support organisation rooted
in the Global South; Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL), a queer, Pan-African,
feminist organisation; Yayasan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga
(PEKKA), a national womxn-headed family empowerment network in Indonesia;
and Gender at Work (G@W), an international feminist knowledge network. Power
Up! engages with womxn,2 womxn’s rights organisations (WROs), and LBQTI+
groups, particularly those that represent constituencies that have been
marginalised in their communities, and social movements (HIV+ womxn, sex
workers, womxn workers, and rural and indigenous womxn).
The year was a challenging one for PU! as we navigated shifts in socio-political
context as well as within our consortium. In the spirit of the partnership, and as part
of our commitment to the issues of LGBQTI+ women, we supported CAL in
delivering the work they set out to do with their collectives. As part of the
consortium’s agreed set of principles, we committed to promote and practise a
culture of openness, transparency and mutual accountability, and we adopted fair
and practical solutions and dedicated the resources and creativity to support the
close out of CAL with integrity and mutual respect.
We have organised this report according to our three strategic agendas, while
acknowledging that women’s experiences are intersectional, not siloed. In this
annual report, we share and reflect upon our joint accomplishments and key
learnings as PU! from 1 January – 31 December 2022.