Our Associates

Srilatha Batliwala
Through the past four decades, Srilatha’s work has spanned grassroots activism, building women’s movements, policy advocacy, teaching, research and scholarly work, grant-making, and capacity building of young women activists around the world. She has written and published extensively on a range of women’s issues, and is best known for her work on women’s empowerment. Srilatha Batliwala is a Senior Associate with Gender at Work, and a Senior Advisor, Knowledge Building with CREA (Creating Resources for Empowerment in Action). Her work focuses on building new knowledge from practice, especially in the areas of women’s rights, empowerment, and transformative feminist leadership; she has also designed and taught at CREA’s leadership building institutes for feminist activists in South Asia, East Africa, the Middle East and North Africa. Earlier, Srilatha worked from 2008 – 2016 as a Scholar Associate in AWID (Association for Women’s Rights in Development), as Research Fellow at Harvard University’s Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations (2000 – 2007), and Civil Society Program Officer at the Ford Foundation, New York (1997-2000). Her most recent publication is a collection of her writings, “Engaging with Empowerment – An Intellectual and Experiential Journey” (Women Unlimited, 2014, and eBook version 2015).