Our Associates

Suzette Mitchell
Suzette Mitchell has been working in gender and development for 25 years. She holds a PhD in gender studies, and has focused on the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. She previously worked for UN Women (formerly UNIFEM) for over 10 years as both a Country Representative in Vietnam and for New York headquarters. Suzette was the Executive Director of the International Women’s Development Agency from 2004-2007. She has experience in project design, monitoring and review. She also has extensive policy experience in the development and review of gender policy, as well as experience mainstreaming gender in other sectoral policy. She is an experienced gender trainer and has worked with DFAT, UN, UNFPA, UNDP, ILO and the Asian Development Bank. She incorporates a wide social inclusion approach in her gender work, using an intersectionality framework to include the multiple and intersecting discriminations and vulnerabilities associated with poverty, clan/ethnicity, sexuality and gender identity, disability and women-headed households.