why a gender content audit?
The United States is experiencing a critical cultural reckoning, one in which survivors of sexual abuse aren’t only being recognized; they’re also, for the most part, being believed. But the surge in firings of high-profile men in media doesn’t necessarily signal that the industry is becoming a more equitable place for all women, especially those who aren’t white, wealthy, or privileged with a spotlight. When it comes to addressing sexual assault and harassment within media, the #MeToo campaign has blown the cover off the pool and exposed something that will require more effort to resolve: a fetid foundation that’s historically devalued women and their work.
experiencing letsema: reflections from vaal
As a part of my undergraduate degree in International Development and Globalization, gender studies has played an important role in terms of contributing to the programs’ foundation. The various courses offered, both required and optional, explored the intersectional nature of gender and how it affects every aspect of women, men, and transgendered people’s daily lives.