Mes aventures avec la COVID-19 sous la lanterne de l’intersectionnalité
Hélène Diéne partage son expérience de la pandémie, où elle travaillait dans une clinique COVID-19 comme assistante de recherche et tombe elle-même malade par la suite. Elle évoque ses craintes et ses incertitudes et explique comment ces expériences l’ont amenée à comprendre l’importance du genre et de l’intersectionnalité pour l’utiliser dans sa recherche doctorale sur les impacts désagrégés du COVID-19 afin d’être plus pertinente au regard du contexte.
My adventures with COVID-19 under the lantern of intersectionality
Hélène Agnès Diéne shares her experiences during the pandemic, working in a COVID-19 clinic and later falling ill herself. She reflects on her fears and uncertainties, and how these experiences led her to understand the importance of considering gender differences in coping with illness. Learning about gender and intersectionality through her research role enabled her to realize she would use such a lens in her doctoral research on disaggregated impacts of COVID-19 to be more contextually relevant.
Le genre m’a collé à la peau: Intérêt de l’analyse genre dans une recherche sur l’IA
Tidiane Ndoye explique comment ses expériences ont nourri sa passion pour les questions de genre dans le domaine de la santé et son rôle en tant qu’expert principal en matière de genre dans le projet de recherche AI4COVID, Utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle pour lutter contre le COVID-19 au Sénégal et au Mali. Il évoque son rôle de mentor auprès des étudiants en master et en doctorat, ainsi qu’auprès de l’ensemble de l’équipe de recherche. Il souligne la nécessité de prendre en compte le genre et l’intersectionnalité dans l’application de l’intelligence artificielle pour lutter contre la pandémie de COVID, afin d’éviter de renforcer les inégalités, en particulier pour les femmes issues de groupes marginalisés.
A Biostatistician’s Personal Journey through Gender Bias
Sylvia Kiwuwa Muyingo reflects on her early fieldwork collecting health information from HIV-affected communities in Uganda and how this experience motivates her focus on vulnerable communities and appreciation of women’s unpaid caregiving roles.
Why are you talking to a blank screen?
Mahlet Hailemariam shares her experiences of juggling online work, challenged by unreliable internet connection and power blackouts while caring for her mother.
Break Out of Your Silo
Jim Todd questions his own positionality as a white privileged male academic who becomes a mentor to a younger female academic of colour. In narrating this experience, he challenges himself and others to listen and learn from our differences and avoid thinking in ‘silos,’ that perpetuate discrimination and biases within academic and research environments.
Cook, Clean, Plan: A case for more gender-responsive policymaking
Michelle Mbuthia, Communications Officer at the African Population and Health Research Center discusses her personal experience of gender inequality and unfair distribution of domestic labor during the Christmas season in Kenya, and the need for candid discussions and collective efforts to challenge and change traditional gender norms and create a more equal society.
Are women programmed to think less and do more?
Meghan Malaatjie, a Masters in Science, Epidemiology, Candidate, Faculty of Health Science, School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa reflects on the gender norms she learned in childhood, her personal experiences with these norms, and the impact on her career, and aspirations to address gender inequalities as a public health professional.
Can AI Have Its Cake and Eat It? Reducing Bias in AI Models May Not Always Be Desirable
What are the ethical dilemmas of trying to create unbiased and representative algorithms of women and men impacted by epidemics as a data scientist? Learn what Amelia Taylor has to say about it.
AI Research and COVID: Journeys to Gender Equality and Inclusion
The AI Research and COVID: Journeys to Gender Equality and Inclusion series goes deep into this question through stories of experiences of, and efforts to tackle, gender inequality and exclusions.